There was a stirring in me to allow him to speak directly to my heart concerning past pains, hurts, losses, areas where I was wronged, etc. As he began to unfold these things before me I quickly began to realize that there were many areas in my heart that I had allowed to be covered up rather than covered by Grace.
I was prompt to ask the Lord for his forgiveness in these areas but he quickly stopped me. "Listen," he said to my spirit "just listen." He began to unfold before me the root of these issues in my heart. And it was a nasty root with a weed attached to it, trying to choke out the fruit in my life. I assumed I was dealing with pride and angst, anger towards others, blame even. And that's when he showed me. I was the root! I was getting in my own way, and to such a degree it was causing myself pain and anxiety.
You see, this wasn't what you would expect. It certainly wasn't what I expected. The issue I was having was seeing myself as he sees me. To see myself as enjoyed and loved. It's so easy for us to apply the word of the Lord to others and to expect healing and miracles when praying for others. It's so easy to tell someone that they are God's favorite one and actually believe it and mean it! But it can (at times) be a whole different ball game when applying that love and healing to ourselves. You see, the thing that was causing me so much turmoil was the way I see and treat myself!
Somewhere along the way I had forgotten that God is no respecter of persons and that he loves ME!! Yes ME!!! He doesn't look at me and see my failures. He doesn't see my flaws and he doesn't see my scars. He sees me in perfection. Yes, when my Father looks at me he sees Jesus in me. The perfect creation he made me to be!
After several hours of humble evaluation at the feet of Jesus in repentance I began to feel liquid warmth over me. I went outside and spent some time enjoying the beautiful spring weather with my pregnant wife, son, and dog and just soaking in the simplicity of the moment. Then it hit me. The way I love my wife, my son (and coming son) and even my dog. The pure joy that I get from just being in their presence and watching them enjoy themselves. This joy doesn't even touch the Joy that is brought to God when I come and spend time with him. He enjoys me!
I'm not writing this with a real definitive point other than this: be encouraged! We all fall short of the Glory of God, but there is nothing we can say, do, or think that will cut us away from his Grace. There is no such thing as "too far" to be reeled back into our Father's loving arms. And know that Jesus wants to hang out with you! He doesn't need our lofty prayers. He doesn't need us to say or do anything at all! He just wants to enjoy our presence! What a beautiful thing! The God that created you wants to spend time with you, if you will let him!
My challenge to those reading this is simply to allow God to have some of your time. Set apart some of your day and just allow him to love on you. No amount of time is too small or too great! Any time at all is more appreciated than you can fathom (and I can guarantee it!) I pray that you all would find yourselves making more time to allow God to enjoy you, and you won't be disappointed! And don't be surprised when you find yourself enjoying him, too!